Case studies and testimonials
Minimizing Water Consumption and Overall Facility Improvement
Municipal references

Minimizing Water Consumption and Overall Facility Improvement

WWTP in Scotland, UK

  • VOLUTE™ Dewatering Press
  • WAS (SAS)
WWTP in Scotland, UK



The end-user was looking for a Belt Press replacement with an alternative dewatering technology.

Thanks to the cooperation with our UK municipal market distributor, Evergreen Water Solutions, we have conducted an on-site pilot test.

During the pilot trial, VOLUTE™ Dewatering Press has reached some magnificent results in performance.

The end-user replaced the belt press with VOLUTE™ Dewatering Press ES-354 model which is equipped with 4 x φ 350 cylinders.

Thanks to the clog-free construction, there has been a huge savings on rinsing water compared to the previously installed Belt Press.

Moreover, the operator had to be present on-site during the operation of the belt press; currently, the VOLUTE™ dewatering solution ES-354 runs under automated operation which doesn’t require the operator’s constant attention.

Generally speaking, the work environment changed for the better, and the end-user is very happy with their decision.

UNIT: ES-354
Sludge Type: WAS
Solids Concentration: 0.9 %
Flow Rate: 26.6 m3/h
DS Throughput: 240 kg-DS/h
Cake Solids Content: 20%
Capture Rate: 96%
Polymer Adding Rate: 0.9%