Case studies and testimonials
Change from dewatering bags to VOLUTE™
Municipal references

Change from dewatering bags to VOLUTE™

Škvorec WWTP in Czech Republic

  • VOLUTE™ Dewatering Press
  • WAS (SAS)
Škvorec WWTP in Czech Republic

Customer’s comments

“Since we had installed VOLUTE™ Dewatering Press in our waste water treatment plant I realised how much time we were wasting using dewatering bags. VOLUTE™ doesn’t need my presence and works fully automatically. I don’t sometimes even know that there is a dewatering unit in operation.”

Wastewater treatment plant conditions and performance data

Application: Municipal WWTP
Sludge type: Waste Activated Sludge
Model of VOLUTE™: ES-131 SA – CE – N
Date of installation: 6/2010
Sludge concentration: 1.5 %
Sludge flow rate: 0.5 m3/h
Polymer consumption: 6 g/kg-DS
Throughput: 7.5 kg-DS/h
Sludge cake: 18 %
Capture rate: 98 %
Operation time: 16 – 24h/day