Case studies and testimonials
Activated Sludge Dewatering in 4000 PE WWTP
Municipal references

Activated Sludge Dewatering in 4000 PE WWTP

Municipal WWTP, Boxholm, Sweden

  • VOLUTE™ Dewatering Press
  • WAS (SAS)
Municipal WWTP, Boxholm, Sweden


This municipal wastewater treatment plant uses the activated sludge process.

Waste activated sludge was treated by centrifuge and was facing low DS content and filtrate quality. The pilot test result convinced the customer to expect better results and easier operation with VOLUTE™.

Now the customer is very satisfied with VOLUTE™ performance, achieving a maximum of 24% DS content and improvement of filtrate quality.

Wastewater treatment plant conditions and performance data

UNIT: GS-302-4
Sludge Type: WAS
Solids Concentration: ~4.2 %
Flow Rate: ~4.5 m3/h
DS Throughput: 190 kg-DS/h
Cake Solids Content: ~24 %
Capture Rate: 95 %
Polymer Adding Rate: 0.6~1.0 %