Case studies and testimonials
VOLUTE DUO™ demonstrates extreme versatility when dewatering various sludge types from treatment of hazardous waste
Industrial references

VOLUTE DUO™ demonstrates extreme versatility when dewatering various sludge types from treatment of hazardous waste

Treatment of hazardous waste, France

  • VOLUTE DUO™ Dewatering Press
Treatment of hazardous waste, France


This customer´s site collects and treats all sorts of flammable, toxic and corrosive waste. As they deal with large quantities of waste, big volumes need to be disposed of after treatment. As part of future expansion plans, they started looking into innovative and energy-efficient solutions for sludge disposal. Having multiple sludge types coming from different treatment streams, the customer requires a flexible solution that can deal with sludges with variable characteristics.

Installation details

AMCON’s VOLUTE DUO™ sludge dewatering screw press proved its extreme versatility when dewatering 4 different sludge streams: biological sludge, biological sludge mixed with ink, sludge from industrial paint and mixed sludge from various waste streams (primarily ink, DAF and bio). On average, sludge was composed of up to 50% inorganic material and was very greasy. On top of its low energy consumption and updated design that guarantees low consumable costs, the client also appreciated the possibility to collect 2 different reject water streams thanks to a split pan placed directly in the filtrate tank. A cleaner filtrate that could be reused as wash water in other parts of the process and one that contained a significant part of the isolated grease that could be redirected elsewhere.

Wastewater treatment plant conditions and performance data

Sludge type: Bio + ink Mixed sludge Bio sludge Paint sludge
Sludge cake: Bio + ink sludge cake Mixed sludge cake Bio sludge cake Paint sludge cake
Flocculation and/or filtrate and sludge: Bio + ink flocculation Mixed sludge flocculation Bio sludge flocculation Paint sludge flocculation
Model: RVP-241 RVP-241 RVP-241 RVP-241
Total solids (TS): 2.21 % 5.44 % 1.36 % 3.13 %
Flow rate: 0.80 m³/h 0.74 m³/h 0.82 m³/h 0.67 m³/h
Inorganic content: 26.8 % 38.0 % 28.0 % 47.9 %
DS throughput: 17.7 kg-DS/h 40.3 kg-DS/h 11.2 kg-DS/h 21.0 kg-DS/h
Cake solids content: 23.2 % 29.6 % 24.7 % 36.4 %
Solids capture rate: >95 % >95 % >95 % >95 %