Case studies and testimonials
VOLUTE DUO™ continuously dewaters biological sludge from a saltwater fish farm
Industrial references

VOLUTE DUO™ continuously dewaters biological sludge from a saltwater fish farm

Nordic Kingfish, Fish farm, Denmark

  • VOLUTE DUO™ Dewatering Press
  • Fish farming
  • WAS (SAS)
Nordic Kingfish, Fish farm, Denmark


An increased production capacity at this Danish aquafarm led to a necessary expansion of their local wastewater treatment plant. The customer therefore decided to incorporate a dewatering technology to reduce the volume of sludge for disposal. The high salt content in the water and in the surrounding air was an important factor to consider when choosing the right equipment.

VOLUTE DUO™ RVP-501 on site
VOLUTE DUO™ RVP-501 on site
Typical flocculation (left) and filtrate quality (right)
Typical flocculation (left) and filtrate quality (right)
Typical cake quality
Typical cake quality

Installation details

As the salt increases the inorganic nature of the sludge compared to WAS coming from standard biological treatment, the equipment had to be able to withstand and dewater the sludge properly. That is why our Danish distributor selected the VOLUTE DUO™ technology, designed to treat tricky, inorganic and/or abrasive sludges.

The VOLUTE DUO™ RVP-501 is now continuously and reliably dewatering the saltwater bio sludge to 20% dryness with a very good capture rate of over 97%. Moreover, the customer appreciates the low operational costs, lowered cost of sludge disposal and the ability to reuse the clean filtrate in the wastewater process.

Wastewater treatment plant conditions and performance data

Model: RVP-501
Sludge type: WAS
Total solids (TS): 1.3%
Flow rate: 3.4 m³/h
Inorganic content: 44.2%
DS throughput: 45.6 kg-DS/h
Cake solids content: 20%
Solids capture rate: >97%