Case studies and testimonials
VOLUTE DUO™ continuously dewaters a mix of DAF sludge and manure filtrate at low OPEX costs
Industrial references

VOLUTE DUO™ continuously dewaters a mix of DAF sludge and manure filtrate at low OPEX costs

Slaughterhouse, Norway

  • VOLUTE DUO™ Dewatering Press
  • Meat production / Slaughter house
  • DAF sludge
  • Manure
Slaughterhouse, Norway


This pig and cow slaughterhouse wanted to treat their own effluent in-house. After installing a new wastewater treatment line, they chose VOLUTE DUO™ as their dewatering solution due to the fibrous nature of their sludge. The site’s manure separator delivers filtrate of poor quality that needs to be retreated. The customer decided to mix it with their DAF sludge and to send this mixture to the VOLUTE DUO™.

1. VOLUTE DUO™ RVP-501 on site
1. VOLUTE DUO™ RVP-501 on site
2. Typical cake quality
2. Typical cake quality
3. Sludge (left) vs. filtrate (right)
3. Sludge (left) vs. filtrate (right)

Installation details

The installed VOLUTE DUO™ RVP-501 reliably dewaters the fibrous mixed sludge on site with an average cake dryness of 20.5% and a filtrate capture rate higher than 99%. The continuous and low-maintenance operation of VOLUTE DUO™ enables the client to significantly reduce their waste with minimal associated operational and labour costs.

Wastewater treatment plant conditions and performance data

Model: RVP-501
Sludge type: Mix of DAF sludge and manure filtrate
Total solids (TS): 2.6%
Flow rate: 3.4 m³/h
Fibers: 21%
DS throughput: 88.4 kg-DS/h
Active polymer dosage: 11.1 g/kg-DS
Cake solids content: 20.5%
Solids capture rate: 99.6%