Case studies and testimonials
VOLUTE™ dewaters sludge from RAS at French fish farm
Industrial references

VOLUTE™ dewaters sludge from RAS at French fish farm

Fish farm, France

  • VOLUTE™ Dewatering Press
  • Fish farming
  • RAS
Fish farm, France


This fish farm breeds trout. In order to save water, it operates exclusively with the RAS – Recirculating Aquaculture System. Until now, the sludge produced by the RAS separation by sedimentation was removed by tanker without any dewatering equipment, resulting in very high operating costs. When the site was renovated with the aim of reducing the volume of sludge and reusing the filtrates, the site decided to install a VOLUTE™ screw press.

1) VOLUTE™ FS-132 Dewatering Press
1) VOLUTE™ FS-132 Dewatering Press
2) Flocs in the flocculation tank​
2) Flocs in the flocculation tank
3) Sludge cake
3) Sludge cake

Installation details

After seeing a VOLUTE™ dewatering press at another fish farm, the customer decided to replicate the best practice and install a VOLUTE™ FS-132 unit. Thanks to the high efficiency of the VOLUTE™, we were able to achieve a minimum dryness of 30% at start-up. The maximum dryness of 35% is possible for this customer if they wish, knowing that the throughput would be reduced.

Wastewater treatment plant conditions and performance data

Model: FS-132
Sludge type: RAS
Total solids (TS): 3.9 %
Flow rate: 1 m3/h
DS throughput: 39 kg-DS/h
Cake solids content: 30.4 %
Capture rate: 94.6 %
Polymer dosage: 9 g/kg-DS