Case studies and testimonials
VOLUTE™ dewatering press as a primary wastewater treatment
Industrial references

VOLUTE™ dewatering press as a primary wastewater treatment

Slaughterhouse, Norway

  • VOLUTE™ Dewatering Press
  • Livestock farm
  • Manure
Slaughterhouse, Norway


This slaughterhouse in Norway focuses on the production of beef, pork, and lamb. The main task of the VOLUTE™ dewatering press was to replace a DAF unit and help increase the quality of the dewatered substance to a non-liquid form.

The requirement was to dewater the manure wastewater with a stable concentration of about 0.6% to 20% DS, and reach the highest possible capture rate to reduce the presence of COD in the filtrate.

The main purpose of recommending the EC model to this site was the capture rate increase and cleaner filtrate disposal.

Furuseth Overview
Furuseth Overview
VOLUTE™ Cylinder at Furuseth
VOLUTE™ Cylinder at Furuseth
Dewatered Slude at the End Plate
Dewatered Slude at the End Plate

Installation details

VOLUTE™ was operated at its minimal possible capacity. The main sludge pump’s capacity is around 12-15 m3/h however it was not possible to run it faster than 4 m3/h because the mixing pipe system was set up to lower throughput maximum. According to the customer, the setup can be adjusted if needed.

AMCON’s solution reached the requirements for wastewater dewatering as mentioned above with very efficient COD reduction by 61 %, from 9055 mg/l (inlet wastewater) down to 3500 mg/l (outlet filtrate).

Results and Conditions

Model: EC-351
Inlet Substance Type: Manure wastewater
Wastewater Concentration: 0.6%
Estimated Flow: 4 m³/h
Calculated Throughput: 52 Kg-TS/h
Dewatered Substance Concentration: 23.36%
COD Reduction: 61% (from 9,055 to 3,500 mg/l)
Polymer Type and Dilution: Unknown polymer at 0.2%
Polymer Dosage: 2 l/min
Capture Rate: Around 90%