Case studies and testimonials
The Chicken Litter Turned into Digested Sludge as a Feedstock for a Biogas Plant
Industrial references

The Chicken Litter Turned into Digested Sludge as a Feedstock for a Biogas Plant

Ecological Bird Farm’s Biogas Plant, Wales

  • VOLUTE DUO™ Dewatering Press
  • Livestock farm
  • Digestate
Ecological Bird Farm’s Biogas Plant, Wales

VOLUTE DUO™ proved successful again in difficult sludge dewatering.


An ecological bird farm in Wales widely appreciated for their circular farm economy uses the chicken litter turned into digested sludge as a feedstock for their biogas plant. A very fibrous sludge is then thickened to the concentration of approximately 7 % of suspended solids. The customer needed to dewater 10 m3 of thickened digested sludge per day to streamline their procedure.

Installation details

The VOLUTE DUO™ dewatering press proved suitable for this highly fibrous sludge demonstrating a very stable and effective solids-liquid separation. An average of 25 % of DSC in the dewatered cake, and the low-maintenance operation made the contactless twin screws screw press a great fit for this application.

Wastewater treatment plant conditions and performance data

Model: RVP–241
Sludge type: Pre-thickened digested sludge
Total solids: 7.49 %
Flow rate: 0.36 m3/h
DS throughput: 27.0 kg-DS/h
Cake solids content: 25.3 %
Capture rate: 94.0 %