Case studies and testimonials
A fully automated container for sludge dewatering
Industrial references

A fully automated container for sludge dewatering

Fish hatchery, Norway

  • VOLUTE™ Dewatering Press
  • Fish farming
  • Raw wastewater
Fish hatchery, Norway

Containerized VOLUTE™ All in one. Plug & Play.

At this fish hatchery, they need to treat their wastewater to meet the discharge consent to the sea. VOLUTE™ was selected as a result of a pilot test as the best solution both from a technical and economical point of view. The advantage of VOLUTE™ cylinder being able to dewater raw wastewater up to dry cake was the key factor.

Application: Fish hatchery
Sludge type: Raw wastewater
Model of VOLUTE™: Containerized package
Installation: 9/2017
Suspended solids removal: 90%
Sludge cake: 20%